Here is a list of our main services, with more detail below if required:

  • Free Quotes and Advice.
  • Felling and Confined Space Removals
  • All types of pruning including: Crown Reductions, Crown Thinning, Crown Lifting, Dead wood removal, Pollarding, Formative pruning,
  • Stump Grinding
  • Hedge Trimming
  • Planting.
  • Reports and Surveys

FELLING AND CONFINED SPACE REMOVALS- Where space allows, trees may be directionally felled in one piece from the base to save time and money. However, if space is restricted, the same tree can be dismantled in sections through climbing/ rigging techniques and/ or the use of machinery such as Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP) and cranes.

CROWN REDUCTION- Pruning that results in an overall reduction in the height and/ or spread of the crown of a tree by means of a general shortening of twigs and/ or branches, whilst retaining the main framework of the crown. The extent of pruning is now measured in linear measurements (metres), in relation to the trees height and spread, rather than the old ambiguous method of percentages. This technique can increase the amount of light into your house/ garden but if carried out poorly can spoil the form of the tree and encourage vigorous re-growth.

CROWN THINNING- Removes a proportion of small, live branches from throughout the crown to achieve an even density of foliage around a well spaced and balanced branch structure.Achieves an open balanced crown by removing internal secondary branches from within the canopy. A good technique to increase the amount of light passing through the canopy without altering the trees size and natural appearance. It also reduces the crowns sail area which in turn reduces the likelihood of tree/ branch failure during strong winds.

CROWN LIFTING- Removal of lower branches to achieve a stated vertical clearance above ground level or other surface. This is a great way cost efficiently improve a trees form and increase the amount of light entering your garden. However, too much and the effects on the trees health and appearance will be negative.

DEAD WOOD REMOVAL- The dieback and shedding of branches is a natural process, and is increasingly recognised as a valuable wildlife habitat. Therefore, when deciding whether to remove dead wood factors such as location, wood characteristics and size should be balanced against the risk it poses to people or property.

POLLARDING-  Cutting a tree to encourage formation of numerous branches arising from the same height on a main stem or principle branches. Coppicing is similar but at or around ground level. These traditional methods of tree management create an interesting architectural structure that are not to everyones tastes, but sometimes these methods enable retention of a tree where removal seemed the only option.

FORMATIVE PRUNING- Helps young trees establish and retain good form and health as they mature.

STUMP GRINDING- Sometimes it is necessary to remove the stump of a tree completely; whether to facilitate construction, convenience of garden operations such as mowing, concerns about fungal infection or simply aesthetics. There is usually a way to deal with stumps of any size and location.

HEDGE TRIMMING- All hedge species and sizes trimmed to your specifications.

PLANTING- We source, supply and plant a variety of tree and hedge species.

REPORTS AND SURVEYS- Tree condition assessments and surveys in accordance to the British Standard:  BS5837- Trees in Relation to Construction: 2012.